

After watching the movie, students reflected about some issues that appeared in the film:  extreme obedience academic freedom freedom of speech mind control in the classroom Here you are a leaflet and a flipbook that show those reflections


EXCHANGE TO HAMBURG Aurten trukaketa bakarra egin dugu Hamburgoko (Alemania) Brecht-Schule ikastetxearekin. Esperientzia honetan, ikasleak bai eskolako eta baita familiako bizitzan ere murgildu dira; izan ere, hango familietan bizi izan dira Alemaniako egonaldian. Aurtengo helburua, gehien bat, murgiltze kulturala izan da; alde batetik, Hamburgoko ondarea eta hango bizimodua ezagutzea eta geurea ezagutaraztea, eta, beste aldetik, hizkuntza praktikatzea (ingelesa izan da elkartrukerako hizkuntza).  Ekintzei dagokienez, bi herrialdeetako ikasleen elkarren arteko eskolako ekintzak eta ekintza kulturalak eta sozialak burutu dituzte.   “Brecht-schule” ikastetxe alemaniarrarekin ikasle elkartrukea   https://www.brecht-schule.hamburg/aktuelles/spanienaustausch/ Pili Ibañez eta Ainhoa Alberdi lehenengo Batxilerreko 25 ikaslerekin Hamburgo hirira joan dira. Apirilaren 19tik 26ra Brecht-Schule ikastetxean egon dir...


DONOSTIA INNOVATION LEAGUE Our students took part in a competition organised by Donostia Fomento last September.  They worked in groups in order to create a project to develop economically the Urumea riverside.  After having overcome two stages (the first one took place at Amara Plaza Hotel and the second one in Monte Igeldo) one of the groups reached the final.  The final was held at the main hall of the Town Hall of their city Donostia-San Sebastian. Click the link to see more pictures of the competition


  THE IMAGE In order to work this unit we first found out information about different issues related to the image. Some worked the comic, others the graffiti, Gestalt and preception, political propaganda, publicity... After showing orally what each group learnt about the topic they had been working,  the students experienced making their own image work.   i

CINEMA: Captain Fantastic

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC After having watched this fantastic movie we have been working on some issues directly related to this film. The goal was to build a mind-map to present our students' reflections on some matters such as family conflicts, different education models, "opposite worlds" and the wide range of ideologies.  Click to watch the movie .